(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[ed][fd][fc][pp][dp][fq] AB[cd][dc][ec][qd][bp][cn] LB[de:A][cf:B][df:C] C[Problem 113. Black to play. In the upper left corner, all the moves from A to C are josekis, but, in relation to Black's other stones, only one of these choices is correct. Which one is it ? ] (;B[de] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. The diagonal move of Black 1 is best. ] ;W[jc];B[oc];W[cq];B[ck];W[qm];B[pj];W[mc];B[kq] LB[ck:5][de:1] C[The sequence to 9 is one possible continuation. Black 5 and the stone at 1 make an ideal high-low balance on the left side. <= ] ) (;B[cf] C[Failure. If Black 1, all his stones on the left are low. ] (;W[jc];B[oc] C[<= ] ) (;B[df] C[Failure. If Black 1 here, ... ] ;W[ch] C[... White 2 is a severe attack. <= ] ) (;W[cq] C[If White 2 next, ... ] ;B[dl] LB[cj:A] C[... Black plays 3 to maintain a high-low balance, but then an invasion at A remains. <= ] )) )