(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[cq][qp] AB[dd][qd] LB[oc:A][qj:B][oq:C] C[Problem 112. Black to play. There are many ways for Black to play in this fuseki, but, if you were going to play on the right side, which one of the three moves from A to C would you choose ? ] (;B[oc] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Making a corner enclosure with 1 is the simplest way for Black to keep his first-move advantage. ] (;W[qi] C[White must extend to 2 to stop Black from making a moyo on the right, but ... ] ;B[op];W[oq];B[nq];W[pq];B[np];W[po];B[jp] C[... Black takes up a position at the bottom with the joseki to 9. <= ] ) (;W[oq] LB[oc:1] C[Reference Diagram. If White responds to Black 1 by making a corner enclosure of her own, ... ] ;B[qj] C[... Black will make an ideal extension with 3, taking control of the right side. <= ] )) (;B[oq] C[Failure. If Black 1 here, ... ] ;W[oc] C[... White can equalise by approaching at 2. <= ] ) )