EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W D4 D16 K17 M18 N17 O17 O15 SETUP B M17 M15 Q16 Q14 Q10 Q4 K4 MARK \t@N17 \t@M15 COM Problem 110. Black to play. In answer to Black's marked stone, White has strengthened his position at the top with his own marked stone. How should Black continue ? ENDCOM B 1 O14 MARK A@O13 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. Attaching with Black 1 is absolutely essential so that Black can maintain a connection with his two stones on the right. If Black omits 1, White will jump to A. This black move also maps out a vast moyo on the right side, ... ENDCOM W 2 R6 COM ... so White must invade on the lower right with 2. ENDCOM VAR W 2 P15 MARK 1@O14 COM Variation. White might respond to Black 1 ... ENDCOM B 3 P14 W 4 Q15 B 5 R15 W 6 R16 COM ... with the sequence to 6. ENDCOM B 7 S16 COM Black sacrifices a stone when he ataris at 7 and ... ENDCOM W 8 R17 B 9 S14 W 10 S17 B 11 N15 W 12 N16 COM ... ends in sente with the sequence to White 12. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR VAR W 2 N14 COM Variation. White might also play 2 here. ENDCOM B 3 N15 COM In that case Black will cut at 3, getting the advantage in the fight that follows. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR B 3 R5 COM However, Black goes on the attack with 3 ... ENDCOM W 4 Q6 B 5 O4 COM ... and 5. ENDCOM