(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[ce][fe][cn][pq][mq][qo] AB[dc][gc][ch][dp][jq][qd] TR[cn] C[Problem 109. Black to play. The marked white stone on the left is outnumbered. How should Black attack it ? ] (;B[co] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Black should make a diagonal attachment with 1. ] ;W[dn] LB[fp:A] C[White will stand at 2, but instead of jumping to A, ... ] ;B[ck] C[... Black will pincer with 3. The two white stones are now heavy and under attack. ] ;W[ep] C[If White attaches with 4, ... ] ;B[eq] C[... after the exchange of Black 5 ... ] ;W[fp] C[... for White 6, ... ] ;B[do] C[... Black 7 is the vital point. ] ;W[en] C[After White 8, ... ] ;B[dq] C[... Black secures his stones in the corner with 9. <= ] ) (;B[fp] C[Failure. If Black jumps to 1, ... ] ;W[ck] TR[ch] C[... White plays the checking extension of 2, so Black's marked stone comes under attack. <= ] ) )