(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[cc][cd][de][ci][cl][dq][qj] AB[cb][dc][eb][fd][pp][pd][co] TR[co] C[Problem 108. Black to play. White is strong on the upper left side, so what should Black do about his marked stone in the lower left ? ] (;B[gq] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Black should make a counterpincer with 1. ] ;W[ep] C[When White makes the diagonal move of 2, ... ] ;B[jq] TR[co] C[... Black can extend to 3, taking up a position at the bottom. By treating the marked stone lightly, Black puts the burden of what to do about this stone on White. ] ;W[dn] C[If White next plays 4, ... ] ;B[qm] C[... Black will extend to 5. <= ] ) (;B[fo] TR[cl] C[Failure. Against the two-space pincer of the marked white stone, Black 1 is the usual move, but White is strong on the left side, ... ] ;W[gq] C[... so White will extend to 2, making territory while keeping up the pressure on Black. <= ] ) )