(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[pp][ph][ic][kc][lc][mc][oc][pc] AB[cd][dq][qe][od][ne][ld][kd][jd] TR[ph] C[Problem 106. Black to play. The marked white stone is in the shadow of Black's thick wall at the top. How should Black attack it ? ] (;B[pk] TR[ph] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Black doesn't want to pincer too severely because White might decide to sacrifice her marked stone. Therefore, Black plays a two-space pincer with 1. ] ;W[ni] C[If White plays 2, ... ] ;B[qn] C[... Black approaches with 3. ] ;W[qo];B[pn];W[np];B[nk];W[li];B[he] C[With the sequence to 9, Black is making good use of his thickness at the top. <= ] ) (;B[qn] LB[pk:@][np:A] C[Failure. When Black plays the approach move of 1, he thinks that White is going to respond with A, enabling him to pincer the white stone by extending to @. But this is too much to expect. ] ;W[ql] C[White would pincer at 2 instead, ... ] ;B[qq] C[... and Black has no other alternative but to invade at 3. ] ;W[qp];B[pq];W[op];B[rp];W[ro];B[rq];W[qo];B[nq] C[With the joseki to 11, White has made thickness at the bottom, effectively neutralising Black's wall at the top. <= ] ) )