EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W Q4 Q12 J17 L17 M17 N17 P17 Q17 SETUP B C16 D3 R15 P16 O15 M16 L16 K16 MARK \t@Q12 COM Problem 106. Black to play. The marked white stone is in the shadow of Black's thick wall at the top. How should Black attack it ? ENDCOM B 1 Q9 MARK \t@Q12 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. Black doesn't want to pincer too severely because White might decide to sacrifice her marked stone. Therefore, Black plays a two-space pincer with 1. ENDCOM VAR B 1 R6 MARK @@Q9 A@O4 COM Failure. When Black plays the approach move of 1, he thinks that White is going to respond with A, enabling him to pincer the white stone by extending to @. But this is too much to expect. ENDCOM W 2 R8 COM White would pincer at 2 instead, ... ENDCOM B 3 R3 COM ... and Black has no other alternative but to invade at 3. ENDCOM W 4 R4 B 5 Q3 W 6 P4 B 7 S4 W 8 S5 B 9 S3 W 10 R5 B 11 O3 COM With the joseki to 11, White has made thickness at the bottom, effectively neutralising Black's wall at the top. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR W 2 O11 COM If White plays 2, ... ENDCOM B 3 R6 COM ... Black approaches with 3. ENDCOM W 4 R5 B 5 Q6 W 6 O4 B 7 O9 W 8 M11 B 9 H15 COM With the sequence to 9, Black is making good use of his thickness at the top. <= ENDCOM