EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W E17 G16 K17 R10 R7 C4 D3 F4 C9 SETUP B C17 D15 P16 R16 R12 Q5 Q3 L4 C5 COM Problem 105. Black to play. There are a number of big extensions Black can play. Which one is the biggest ?? ENDCOM B 1 C12 MARK B@D8 A@C13 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. If White makes a checking extension at A, the two black stones in the upper left will come under a strong attack. Therefore, Black extends to 1 to prevent this. The reason Black extends so tightly is because he intends to make a shoulder hit at B next. ENDCOM VAR B 1 M17 COM Failure. The checking extension of Black 1 is also a good move, ... ENDCOM W 2 C13 COM ... but White 2 is too big to allow; the Black stones there could find themselves uprooted and they would have to run for their lives. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR VAR B 1 C11 COM Failure. Black 1 here ... ENDCOM W 2 E9 MARK \t@C5 A@C13 COM ... could provoke White to jump to 2 and the marked black stone would be swallowed up in the white moyo. After this, White could aim at the invasion at A. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR W 2 N17 COM White 2 and ... ENDCOM B 3 S6 COM ... Black 3 are the natural continuation. <= ENDCOM