(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[ed][fc][gd][df][be][oc][qp][oq] AB[bd][cd][dc][ec][qd][pe][qj][dp] C[Problem 104. Black to play. Even though only one stone has been played in the lower left corner, there is no hurry for Black to play in this part of the board; the upper right takes precedence. Where should Black play ? ] (;B[nd] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. It is important for Black to inhibit White's expansion in the upper right with 1 ... ] ;W[mc];B[ld] C[... and 3. With these moves, a black moyo emerges and White is prevented from making one for herself. <= ] ) (;B[qn] C[Failure. The checking extension of Black 1 is a big move, but ... ] ;W[md] C[... White will play 2, making it hard for Black to take measures against White at the top. <= ] ) (;B[kc] C[Black 1 here is greedy: ] ;W[oe] C[White would take the initiative by attaching at 2. <= ] ) )