(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[cj][dc][fd][lc][qj][qn][pn][po][ep][co] AB[bc][ce][ch][nc][qd][qg][qo][qp][pq][nq] C[Problem 103. Black to play. Black and White have established positions in all four corners and on the sides. All of Black's positions are strong, so Black should now go on the offensive. Where should he play ? ] (;B[id] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Since White's position at the top is thin and Black has strong positions on the left and the right, Black should seize the initiative by invading at 1. ] ;W[le] C[After the exchange of 2 ... ] ;B[if] C[... for 3, White is left with weak stones on the left and on the right. Black has taken the lead. <= ] ) (;B[gq] C[Failure. The checking extension of Black 1 is certainly a good move, but, with respect to the whole board, it is not the focal point of the game. ] ;W[id] C[White will defend the top with 2 and Black has lost his chance to take the decisive lead as in the Correct Answer diagram. <= ] ) )