(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[dc][dq][cp][co][po][qn][pm][qi] AB[do][cn][dm][pq][qp][qo][nq][qd][oc] C[Problem 102. White to play. A basic joseki is in progress in the lower left corner. Should White complete this joseki or is there something else she should do ? ] (;W[cf] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. White should make a corner enclosure with 1 and ... ] ;B[eq] C[... let Black attach with 2. ] ;W[er];B[dp];W[cr];B[fq];W[fr] C[White will secure her stones in the lower left corner with the sequence to 7. ] ;B[gq] C[Black makes a thick position on the outside with 8, but ... ] ;W[mn] C[... this thickness is neutralised when White jumps to 9. <= ] ) (;W[fq] TR[nq] C[Failure. With the marked black stone in place, playing the joseki with White 1 is not very efficient. ] ;B[ce] LB[cf:A] C[Black can now seize the initiative on the left side with an approach move at 2 or A. You should never blindly follow a joseki without looking at the whole board. <= ] ) )