(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[pq][eq][cb][db][cc][cd][de][ce][ec][fc][fb] AB[qd][cp][do][ci][dc][dd][ed][ee][eb][gd][gf][df] C[Problem 101. White to play. The joseki in the upper left corner has come to a pause. White has taken profit, but Black has thickness in the center. What should White do next ? ] (;W[gp] LB[fp:A] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Although it is important to quickly make an approach move or a corner enclosure in the fuseki, White 1 is an urgent move that must be played before any other. It is played to counter Black's thickness at the top and to prevent him from pressing at A. <= ] ) (;W[qo] LB[od:A] C[Failure. If White makes a corner enclosure at 1 or an approach move at A, ... ] ;B[fp] C[... Black will immediately play 2 ... ] ;W[gq];B[hp] C[... and 4, and an enormous moyo comes into being on the left. The moves to Black 4 are a joseki. (See Problem 49 in Get Strong at Joseki 1.) ] ) )