(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[ep][fq][dc][cf][oc][lp][mp][np][op][qo] AB[cp][dq][eq][fp][qd][pe][mq][nq][pq][oq] TR[lp] C[Problem 98. Black to play. White has just extended with the marked stone, making a thick wall at the bottom. How should Black answer this move ? ] (;B[qi] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Black must extend down the right side to neutralise White's thickness, but because White is so thick below Black should extend only as far as 1. ] (;W[pg] C[Next, if White 2, ... ] ;B[qg] C[... Black can defend at 3. <= ] ) (;W[qg] C[If White 2, ... ] ;B[pg] C[... Black plays 3. <= ] )) (;B[qj] C[Failure. Extending one line farther with 1 leaves Black vulnerable ... ] ;W[pg] LB[qh:A] C[... to an invasion at 2 or A. White may not make this invasion immediately, but Black must always worry about it. ] ;B[qm] C[Black could settle his stones with 3, but White will use her thickness below to attack. <= ] ) )