EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W E4 F3 D17 C14 P17 M4 N4 O4 P4 R5 SETUP B C4 D3 E3 F4 R16 Q15 N3 O3 Q3 P3 MARK \t@M4 COM Problem 98. Black to play. White has just extended with the marked stone, making a thick wall at the bottom. How should Black answer this move ? ENDCOM B 1 R11 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. Black must extend down the right side to neutralise White's thickness, but because White is so thick below Black should extend only as far as 1. ENDCOM VAR B 1 R10 COM Failure. Extending one line farther with 1 leaves Black vulnerable ... ENDCOM W 2 Q13 MARK A@R12 COM ... to an invasion at 2 or A. White may not make this invasion immediately, but Black must always worry about it. ENDCOM B 3 R7 COM Black could settle his stones with 3, but White will use her thickness below to attack. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR W 2 Q13 COM Next, if White 2, ... ENDCOM VAR W 2 R13 COM If White 2, ... ENDCOM B 3 Q13 COM ... Black plays 3. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR B 3 R13 COM ... Black can defend at 3. <= ENDCOM