(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[dd][ec][gc][nc][qo][no][cq][ci][dl] AB[cc][dc][bd][cf][dg][pd][pf][qk][mq][pq] C[Problem 97. White to play. White's stones at the top are thin and it is clear that she must reinforce them. But choosing the right point ins crucial. Where should White play ? ] (;W[kd] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. White 1 is the perfect point not too far from her stone on the right and an ideal distance from her three stone on the left. Playing this move high on the fourth line also strikes a good balance with her stones on the third line. <= ] ) (;W[jd] C[Failure. You may not think that one line to the right makes much of a difference, but, if White plays 1 here, her position at the top right is still thin and ... ] ;B[lc] C[... Black will invade with 2. <= ] ) (;W[ep] C[Failure. If White 1 here, ... ] ;B[kc] C[... Black will invade at 2. <= ] ) )