(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[dd][pp][cs][br][bq][bp][cp][dq][eq][dr][fo] AB[pd][dp][ep][fp][gp][fq][co][dn][er] C[Problem 92. Black to play. In the lower left corner, White has taken profit while Black has made thickness and ended in sente. Black must now make an approach move against one of the white stones. Which approach move should he make ? ] (;B[nq] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Approaching the lower right corner with Black 1 is the best move. ] ;W[qn] LB[pn:A] C[Instead of 2, White A is also a good move. ] ;B[kp] LB[cf:B] C[Black gets an ideal position at the bottom when he plays 3. An approach move at B would be in the wrong direction. <= ] ) (;B[cf] C[Failure. If Black approaches the stone in the upper left with 1, ... ] ;W[fc];B[di] LB[bn:A] C[... Black cannot be certain of getting the territory on the left side after 3 because White has a big endgame move at A. ] ;W[mq] C[Next, White extends to 4, curtailing the influence of Black's thickness at the bottom. <= ] ) )