(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[cn][cc][cb][dd][de][ee][ef][eg][cf][bf][bg][ch][fd][qc][qe][qh][rn][po][pq][jq] AB[cp][eq][bb][bc][cd][ce][be][df][cg][dc][ec][ed][fe][gd][lc][oc][qj][qm][rm][ff] TR[cn] C[Problem 91. Black to play. White has just made a wide extension from her thickness above with the marked stone. Where should Black play next ? ] (;B[fg] LB[eh:A] TR[cn] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Black 1 is a strong move because it expands Black's moyo at the top and threatens to force at A. Instead of playing the marked stone, White should have turned at 1. <= ] ) (;B[hq] C[Failure. Responding to the marked stone by extending to 1 is not good. ] ;W[fg] LB[cm:A] TR[cn] C[White turns at 2. If White played the marked stone at 2, Black would extend to A, neutralising White's thickness above. <= ] ) )