EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W C6 C17 C18 D16 D15 E15 E14 E13 C14 B14 B13 C12 F16 R17 R15 R12 S6 Q5 Q3 K3 SETUP B C4 E3 B18 B17 C16 C15 B15 D14 C13 D17 E17 E16 F15 G16 M17 P17 R10 R7 S7 F14 MARK \t@C6 COM Problem 91. Black to play. White has just made a wide extension from her thickness above with the marked stone. Where should Black play next ? ENDCOM B 1 F13 MARK \t@C6 A@E12 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. Black 1 is a strong move because it expands Black's moyo at the top and threatens to force at A. Instead of playing the marked stone, White should have turned at 1. <= ENDCOM VAR B 1 H3 COM Failure. Responding to the marked stone by extending to 1 is not good. ENDCOM W 2 F13 MARK \t@C6 A@C7 COM White turns at 2. If White played the marked stone at 2, Black would extend to A, neutralising White's thickness above. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR