EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W C16 C15 D17 D18 E18 E16 F17 F15 G16 C3 C6 D4 Q5 R10 R13 SETUP B B17 C17 D16 D15 E15 E14 C14 D13 D2 F3 J3 O4 Q3 R16 P16 COM Problem 89. White to play. The proverb advises us, "Don't play near thickness !" White has thickness in the top left and Black on the upper side, but White is thin on the right. Where should White play ? ENDCOM W 1 N17 MARK B@M17 A@Q17 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. White should extend all the way to 1. This move is the proper distance from her thickness on the left and also aims at A, the weak point of Black's corner enclosure. White 1 at B would be too close to her thickness. <= ENDCOM VAR W 1 R3 COM Failure. Locally, playing the sequence from White 1 ... ENDCOM B 2 R2 W 3 R4 B 4 S2 W 5 Q7 COM ... to 5 is good, but ... ENDCOM B 6 M17 COM ... Black will then play 6, erasing the influence of White's thickness and defending the weak underbelly of his corner enclosure at the top. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR