(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[dc][pc][dp] AB[ce][qe][pp] LB[ce:1][pc:2] C[Problem 85. Black to play. An approach move at White 2 would seem to be common sense to prevent Black from making a corner enclosure. But White 2 is a mistake. How should Black punish White ? ] ;B[od] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Black should press White with 1 ... ] ;W[oc];B[nd] C[... and 3, ... ] ;W[mc];B[ed] C[... followed by 5 ... ] ;W[ec];B[fd] C[... and 7. ] ;W[gc] (;B[pj] LB[od:1] TR[pc] C[He then extends along the right side with 9. If White wants to make an approach move, the high approach at 1 (instead of the marked stone) would give her a better result. <= ] ) (;B[nc] C[Overconcentrated. Black could also force White's stones at the top to become overconcentrated with the forcing sequence from 9 ... ] ;W[nb];B[mb];W[lb];B[md];W[lc];B[ob];W[ma];B[qc];W[pb];B[fc];W[fb];B[gb];W[hb];B[gd];W[hc];B[eb];W[ga];B[cc] C[... to 27. ] ;W[db];B[pj] C[Black now has a big lead. <= ] ) )