(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[dc][ce][pq][qo] AB[ic][pd][nc][eq][cp] C[Problem 84. White to play. Black has extended to 1. Where should White play so as to maintain the balance of territories ? ] (;W[qi] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. It is imperative that White extends along the right side with 1. ] ;B[kq] C[The remaining big points at 2 ... ] ;W[ck] C[... and 3 will now be shared by Black and White. <= ] ) (;W[ck] C[Failure. If White extends to 1, ... ] ;B[qj] C[... Black will make a double-wing formation from his corner enclosure in the upper right with 2. This in considered to be advantageous for Black. <= ] ) )