(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[cc][dd][dp][od] AB[fc][cf][pp][qd] LB[od:6][qd:1][pp:3][fc:5][cf:7][dd:2][cc:8][dp:4] C[Problem 81. Black to play. Against the double approach of Black 5 and 7, White anchors her stones in the corner with 8. What should Black do next ? ] (;B[ee] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Black should confine White to the corner with 1. Never hesitate to make such confining moves because they will give you a strategic advantage. ] ;W[ed] LB[de:A][ee:1] C[When Black plays 1, he must expect White to cut through with 2 (Note that White could also play 2 from the other side at A.) ... ] ;B[fd];W[fe] C[... and 4. ] ;B[ef];W[ge] C[In answer to White 6, ... ] ;B[ic] LB[bd:B][db:B] C[... Black will extend to 7. Black is now strong on the outside and he can also harass the white stones in the corner by playing on one of the points marked B. <= ] ) (;B[pf] C[Failure. Locally, Black 1 is a good move, but ... ] ;W[ee] C[... White takes command of the situation when she moves out into the center with 2. Black's two stones on the left can no longer play a cohesive strategy. <= ] ) )