(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[dc][cn][dp] AB[fq][kq][qp][pd] LB[pd:1][dc:2][dp:4][cn:6][fq:5][kq:7][qp:3] C[Problem 78. White to play. The formation of 3, 5, and 7 is known as the mini-Chinese opening. Where should White play next ? ] (;W[qj] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. If Black is able to take the big point (oba) on the right side, a large-scale moyo will come into being. Therefore, it is important for White to establish a presence there by playing 1. ] ;B[qh] C[If Black 2, ... ] ;W[qm] C[... White settles her stones by extending to 3. <= ] ) (;W[de] C[Failure. If White makes a corner enclosure with 1, ... ] ;B[pj] C[... Black will map out a large-scale moyo on the right side with 2. His opening strategy has been a great success. <= ] ) )