(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[dd][cp][dq][qk][qf][rd] AB[cn][ck][oq][qp][qc][pd][nc] TR[qc] C[Problem 77. White to play. After Black defends the corner with the marked stone, where should White play ? ] (;W[ph] TR[qk] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. The marked white stone is far way from its allies above, so White should defend at 1, which makes a good high-low balance. ] ;B[cg] C[Black 2 is also a good move. ] ;W[jq] LB[fc:A] C[Next, White extends along the bottom with 3, but White 3 at A would also be big. <= ] ) (;W[ci] C[Failure. White 1 is certainly a good attacking move, but ... ] ;B[qh] C[... Black will invade at 2. ] ;W[of];B[oh];W[mf] C[After the sequence to White 5, ... ] ;B[qm] C[... Black takes the initiative on the right side with the checking extension of 6. <= ] ) )