(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[dd][dp][jp][qf] AB[pq][pk][pd][jd] LB[qf:1] C[Problem 75. Black to play. Black welcomes White's approach at 1. Now he can utilise the power of his Chinese-opening formation to attack White. Where is the strongest move ? ] (;B[qe] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Black should attach at 1, ... ] ;W[pf] C[... forcing White to stand at 2. ] ;B[nd];W[pi] TR[pk] C[Because of the marked stone, White can extend only as far as 4. Next, Black will attack the three white stones. <= ] ) (;B[nd] C[Failure. Black 1 is a bad move. ] ;W[rd] C[White can settle her stones by sliding to 2 ... ] ;B[qc];W[qi] TR[pk] C[... and extending to 4. As a result, the marked stone is misplaced and Black's Chinese-opening strategy has fallen apart. <= ] ) (;B[qh] C[Failure. The pincer of Black 1 is not good. ] ;W[qc] C[White will invade with 2. ] ;B[qd];W[pc];B[od];W[rd];B[re];W[rc];B[qe];W[nc] LB[po:A] TR[pk] C[After White 10, the marked stone is too near the thickness above. This stone would be more efficient if it were at A. <= ] ) )