(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[dd][dp][dn][po][ok][nc][jd] AB[fq][jp][pq][np][qk][pd][pf] LB[po:1][np:2][ok:3] C[Problem 74. Black to play. After 2, White strikes at the weak point of the low Chinese opening by capping at 3. How should Black prevent White from making sabaki ? ] (;B[qm] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Black 1 is a sharp move. White has to keep her stones linked, ... ] (;W[pl] C[... so she plays 2 ... ] ;B[ql];W[pm] C[... and 4. ] ;B[pi] C[When Black now plays 5, White's stones are rootless, floating in the center, so Black will be able to gain more profit by attacking them. <= ] ) (;W[on] LB[pl:@] C[Failure for White. The forcing move at @ in the Correct Answer is necessary. If White simply plays 2 here, ... ] ;B[om] C[... Black will play 3 and, ... ] ;W[nm];B[nl];W[ol];B[pm];W[mm] C[... after 8, ... ] ;B[nk] C[... Black can fight with 9. <= ] )) (;B[pi] C[Failure. The proverb advises us to answer a cap with a knight's move, but if Black plays 1, ... ] ;W[ql];B[rl];W[rk];B[rj];W[pk];B[qj];W[rm] C[... White makes sabaki within Black's moyo, ... ] ;B[sk] C[... ending in sente. <= ] ) )