(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[cc][dd][df][dp][qi][oi][pm][qn][po] AB[db][fc][ic][pd][qg][qo][qp][pq][nq] TR[oi] C[Problem 73. Black to play. When White jumps into the center with the marked stone, the skirmish on the right side comes to a pause. Where should Black play next ? ] ;B[ck] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Black should break up White's position on the left with 1. ] (;W[ci] C[If White next plays 2, ... ] ;B[cn] C[... Black can extend to 3. ] ;W[co] C[After the exchange of White 4 ... ] ;B[dn] C[... for Black 5, ... ] ;W[fp] LB[fq:A] C[... White will play either 6 or A. <= ] ) (;W[cm] C[Variation. If White 2 here, ... ] ;B[ch] LB[ck:1] C[... Black will extend to 3. No matter how White attacks, Black can easily settle his stones on the left side, so Black 1 is the perfect point to play. <= ] ) )