(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[cc][cq][qn][qk] AB[cj][pq][qp][qd][oc] LB[qd:1][cc:2][cj:9][cq:4][qn:6][qk:8][oc:5][pq:3][qp:7] C[Problem 72. White to play. In this opening, all the corners have been occupied and Black has taken a big point with 9. Where should White play next ? ] (;W[qh] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. White 1 is the only move. ] ;B[jq] LB[co:A][ce:B] C[Black 2, Black A, or Black B all have the same value. <= ] ) (;W[jq] C[Failure. If White plays here, ... ] ;B[qi] C[... Black 2 would be a severe attack against the white stones. Black 2 is also an ideal extension from his corner enclosure above. <= ] ) )