(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[dd][fc][kd][qj][qm][dq][fq][co][cp] AB[pd][qg][pp][mq][do][dn][cn][dj][cf] C[Problem 68. Black to play. The fuseki is coming to a close, but there are still important points left. Where is Black's biggest move ? ] (;B[ef] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Black 1 is the biggest move. If White were to play there, she would be able to build a moyo at the top. ] ;W[rp] LB[qo:A] C[White 2 is necessary to prevent Black A, which defends the corner and attacks the white stones. ] ;B[gd] C[However, Black will now reduce White's potential territory at the top with 3 ... ] ;W[gc];B[id] C[... and 5. <= ] ) (;B[qo] C[Failure. Black 1 is certainly a big point, but ... ] ;W[ef] C[... White will force with 2, building a moyo at the top, ... ] ;B[dh];W[nc] TR[qg] C[... then approach with 4. Note that the marked black stone is two spaces away from the white formation below, so White's stones there are not being attacked all that severely. <= ] ) )