(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[dd][dp][jp] AB[pq][pk][pd] LB[jp:1] C[Problem 67. Black to play. In this variation of the Chinese opening, White takes the star point in the middle of the lower side. How should Black respond ? ] (;B[jd] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Black should take the bit point at 1 to map out a large-scale moyo in the upper right. <= ] ) (;B[cj] C[Failure. Jumping in between White's two star-point stones on the left side is not good. ] ;W[nc] C[Black's natural strategy of making a large-scale moyo at the top is thwarted by White 2 ... ] ;B[pf];W[jd] C[... and 4. <= ] ) (;B[fc] C[Failure. There are many examples in professional games of Black approaching with 1, but when he plays this way, ... ] ;W[jd] C[... White will pincer at 2 and Black can no longer play a moyo strategy. <= ] ) )