(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[bc][cc][dc][ed][ee][cf][cg][di][dp][po][pm][qn][qi] AB[bb][db][eb][ec][bd][cd][dd][ce][pq][nq][qp][qo][qd][oc] C[Problem 66. White to play. There is a wide space between White's thickness on the upper left and her stone below. However, Black has a good attacking move on the upper right. What should White do ? ] (;W[dn] LB[qf:A] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. White might be tempted to extend to A on the right side, but, in this case, it is better to strengthen the stone in the lower left with 1. ] ;B[qg] C[If Black 2, ... ] ;W[mp] C[... White will play 3 ... ] ;B[np];W[mn] LB[ql:B] C[... and 5, mapping out a large-scale moyo. Note that White 5 indirectly defends against the invasion at B. <= ] ) (;W[qf] C[Failure. If White extends to 1, ... ] ;B[cn] C[... Black approaches at 2 and breaks up White's position on the left side ... ] ;W[co];B[dn];W[fp];B[ck] C[... with the sequence to 6. The effectiveness of White's thickness above is now neutralised. <= ] ) )