(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[dd][dj][dp][jd][nc] AB[pd][pf][pk][pq][jp] LB[dj:1] C[Problem 63. Black to play. White concentrates on building her own moyo by making a sanren-sei with 1, ignoring what Black might do next. How should Black play ? ] (;B[fq] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Black should approach with 1, ... ] ;W[dn] C[... then, when White answers with 2, ... ] ;B[op] LB[po:A] C[... strengthen his corner with 3 or A. Black has taken the initiative and is on the road to victory. <= ] ) (;B[cf] C[Failure. In this kind of position, Black must never make an approach move inside White's sphere of influence, ... ] ;W[ce] C[... for he will come under a severe attack with the sequence from 2 ... ] ;B[df];W[fd];B[dh];W[ci] C[... to 6. <= ] ) )