(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[dd][dp][hq][qn][rn][qp][qq] AB[pd][jp][pq][pp][po][om][ql] LB[pd:1][dd:2][dp:4][hq:14][jp:5][pp:4][pq:9][qq:8][qp:10][qn:6] LB[ql:7][om:13][rn:12] C[Problem 62. Black to play. After White 14, how should Black respond ? ] (;B[ho] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Black should cap with 1. ] (;W[fq] C[White will most likely respond with 2, ... ] ;B[jd] C[... so Black can take the big point at the top with 3, mapping out a magnificent sphere of influence. <= ] ) (;W[jd] C[Variation. If White takes the big point at 2 and doesn't defend the bottom, ... ] ;B[gq] C[... the attachment of Black 3 is big. ] ;W[gp] C[If White 4, ... ] ;B[hp] C[... Black will cut at B and he will have no problem defending his position here. <= ] )) (;B[jd] C[Failure. If Black rushes to play 1, ... ] ;W[io] C[... White expands her position with 2, while limiting the scale of Black's moyo. <= ] ) (;B[cj] C[Failure. Trying to gain a foothold on the left side with 1 is dubious. ] ;W[nc] C[White will establish a position at the top with 2 ... ] ;B[pf];W[jd] LB[cj:1] C[... and 4. A move like 1 is played when Black intends to go for territory, so it is inconsistent with his moyo strategy here. <= ] ) )