(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[dd][fd][qi][oi][pp][pn][qq][bq][cp][bo][dn][fo] AB[bd][cf][qd][oc][qg][pr][nq][lp][iq][gp][ep][dq][cq] LB[bd:1] C[Problem 61. White to play. How should White respond to Black 1 ? ] (;W[ch] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Taking into account her position in the lower left, White should pincer with 1. ] ;B[cc];W[ce];B[be];W[df];B[bf];W[dg] C[With the sequence to 7, White gets a thick position in the center which works well with her stones in the lower left. <= ] ) (;W[cc] C[Failure. White 1 is a passive move. ] ;B[ci] C[Black will take the opportunity to extend to 2, establishing a position on the left side while inhibiting the development of White's position below. <= ] ) )