EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W D16 C13 C5 C4 D3 F3 R10 SETUP B C11 D7 C6 D5 Q4 R16 P17 MARK \t@C13 COM Problem 60. Black to play. The marked white stone threatens to invade the black formation on the left side. Should Black defend against this threat or is there something else he should do ? ENDCOM B 1 R12 MARK \t@C13 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. Instead of defending against the marked stone, Black should start operations against the white stone on the right by extending from his corner enclosure above with 1. ENDCOM W 2 R7 B 3 N3 VAR B 3 K17 COM Failure. Black must not rush to play the big point at the top with 3. ENDCOM W 4 O3 MARK \t@Q4 COM White will take the initiative at the bottom by playing a double approach against the marked black stone with 4. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR W 4 S4 COM The sequence to 4 is the best continuation. <= ENDCOM VAR W 4 K17 COM If White 4 here, ... ENDCOM B 5 R5 COM ... Black 5 takes the corner territory while attacking the white stones above. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR