(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[dd][qj][dq] AB[pp][qd][oc] TR[qj] C[Problem 56. Black to play. How should Black respond after White plays her marked stone ? ] (;B[do] LB[co:A] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. It is best for Black to make an approach move at 1 or A to prevent White from making a corner enclosure. ] ;W[co] C[If White attaches at 2, ... ] ;B[cn];W[cp];B[dm];W[fq];B[ci] C[... the joseki to 7 will follow. ] ;W[cg] C[Attacking Black's formation on the left with White 8 is now the most reasonable move. <= ] ) (;B[co] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Also correct. <= ] ) )