(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[dd][dj][dn][dp][jd][nc][kc] AB[gp][jp][pp][pn][pj][pd][pf][le] LB[pn:1] C[Problem 54. White to play. Black has strengthened his moyo on the right side with 1, but this is not a good move, as it is premature. Where should White play to punish Black for his mistake ? ] (;W[jg] LB[jf:A] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. White 1 (or A) is the focal point of the two opposing moyos. This move expands White's moyo while reducing the scale of Black's. ] ;B[je] LB[jf:A][jg:1] C[The two-space jump of White 1 is thinner than the tight one-space jump at A in the Correct Answer, but it is a lot more severe. Don't worry about Black trying to break through with the sequence from 2 ... ] ;W[ie];B[jf];W[if];B[ig] C[... to 6. ] ;W[jh] LB[ig:5][lf:A] C[After White 7, White can aim at A or capture the black stone at 5 in a ladder. <= ] ) (;W[jf] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Also correct. <= ] ) (;W[df] C[Failure. White misses her chance to seize the initiative when she meekly defends with 1. ] ;B[je] C[Black extend the scale of his moyo with 2 ... ] ;W[ie];B[jf] C[... and 4. White has fallen behind. <= ] ) )