(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[dc][gc][dh][pp] AB[fe][ce][dp][pd] LB[ce:1][dh:2][fe:3][gc:4] C[Problem 53. Black to play. Black has played the two corner star points on diagonally opposite sides of the board. After the sequence from Black 1 to White 4, how should Black continue ? ] (;B[dk] LB[hd:A] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Black should either make a pincer around 1 or press White at A. <= ] ) (;B[dj] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. A severe one-space against the white stone is also frequently played in professional games. ] ;W[fh] C[After White 2, ... ] ;B[he] C[... Black forces with 3, ... ] ;W[jd];B[hh] C[... then caps at 5. ] ;W[ej];B[dk];W[di];B[ek];W[fj];B[gl] C[The sequence to Black 11 is one possible continuation. <= ] ) (;B[hd] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Also correct. <= ] ) )