(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[dc][hd][di][dn][dp][pq][qq][nq][nr] AB[jd][pd][pj][gp][lq][mo][op][pp][qp] C[Problem 50. Black to play. White has countered Black's sanren-sei opening with a Chinese opening. Where should Black play ? ] (;B[if] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Black 1 is the focal point of the two moyos. ] ;W[gf] C[If White defends her moyo with 2, ... ] ;B[hh] C[... Black keeps advancing with 3, making the scale of his moyo even greater while diminishing the scale of White's. <= ] ) (;B[gm] C[Failure. Black 1 is also a good point because it strengthens his thin position at the bottom. However, ... ] ;W[if] C[... White takes the vital point of 2 and ... ] ;B[kf];W[jh] C[... marches into Black's sphere of influence with 4. <= ] ) )