(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[dd][cq][dp][dn] AB[pd][pp][dr][fq] TR[cq] C[Problem 49. Black to play. What should Black do after White plays the marked stone ? ] (;B[iq] TR[dr][cq] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. After exchanging the marked stones, Black must extend to 1. ] ;W[dj] C[White 2 would then be the usual move in this position and ... ] ;B[pj] C[... Black would make a sanren-sei on the right side with 3. <= ] ) (;B[pj] C[Failure. Rushing to make a sanren-sei with 1 is bad. ] ;W[hq] C[White 2 ... ] ;B[fo];W[ho] C[... and 4 severely attack the black stones, robbing them of a base. ] ;B[fm] C[After Black 5, ... ] ;W[dk] C[... White takes profit on the left side with 6. <= ] ) )