EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W D17 P17 Q5 R6 Q7 SETUP B R16 C4 Q3 O3 R4 R5 MARK 6@O3 5@Q7 4@R4 3@R6 2@R5 1@Q5 A@Q15 COM Problem 48. White to play. This time White has made a high approach with 1. Instead of the diagonal move at A, Black plays the joseki to 6. How should White continue ? ENDCOM W 1 R13 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. White should pincer the black stone in the upper right corner with 1. ENDCOM VAR W 1 R11 COM Failure. Playing the joseki move of White 1 is not good. ENDCOM B 2 R13 MARK A@R8 COM Black can settle his stones in the upper right corner by extending to 2 and threaten to invade White's position at the bottom with a move at A. (See Problems 30, 33, 36, 39, and 42 in Get Strong at Invading.) <= ENDCOM ENDVAR B 2 Q15 COM If Black plays 2, ... ENDCOM W 3 P13 COM ... White will jump to 3 and make a moyo on the right side. Black's stones are still under attack, so White will end in sente. <= ENDCOM