EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W D4 D16 K16 O17 R6 Q5 K4 SETUP B Q16 Q14 Q9 Q3 R4 R5 MARK 1@R5 3@R4 2@R6 COM Problem 47. White to play. Black 1 violates the proverb which instructs us not to attach against weak stones. After Black draws back with 3, where should White play ? ENDCOM W 1 P8 MARK B@Q6 A@O6 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. When your opponent's stones are strong, you must play lightly to make sabaki. White 1 or White A is such a move. Cutting at B would be a bad move for Black. <= ENDCOM VAR W 1 O6 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. Also correct. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR VAR W 1 Q6 COM Failure. Connecting at 1 leaves White with a heavy group. ENDCOM B 2 P4 COM After Black 2, is becomes a good target for Black. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR