(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[dd][cq][dn][qc][pc][oc][nc] AB[fp][jp][pp][pj][pd][od][qd] LB[dd:2][dn:6][cq:4][fp:5][jp:7][pj:9][pp:3][pd:1][qd:11][od:13] LB[oc:14][nc:8][qc:10][pc:12] C[Problem 46. Black to play. After White 14, how should Black play so as to make the most efficient use of his moyo below ? ] ;B[me] LB[fn:B][nd:A] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Black 1 is the vital point of Black's moyo. Without this move, White would turn at A and the three black stones in the upper right would become heavy. Jumping to Black B instead of 1 is also a good move, but Black must take countermeasures against White A first. <= ] ) )