EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W D16 C3 D6 R17 Q17 P17 O17 SETUP B F4 K4 Q4 Q10 Q16 P16 R16 MARK 2@D16 6@D6 4@C3 5@F4 7@K4 9@Q10 3@Q4 1@Q16 11@R16 13@P16 MARK 14@P17 8@O17 10@R17 12@Q17 COM Problem 46. Black to play. After White 14, how should Black play so as to make the most efficient use of his moyo below ? ENDCOM B 1 N15 MARK B@F6 A@O16 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. Black 1 is the vital point of Black's moyo. Without this move, White would turn at A and the three black stones in the upper right would become heavy. Jumping to Black B instead of 1 is also a good move, but Black must take countermeasures against White A first. <= ENDCOM