(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[dd][dp] AB[pp][pd] LB[pd:1][dd:2][dp:4][pp:3] C[Problem 45. Black to play. Both Black and White have made niren-seis. If Black wants to make an approach move on the left, where should he play ? ] ;B[fc] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Black 1 is the usual approach move. ] (;W[df] C[If White answers with 2, ... ] (;B[jd] LB[cn:A][cf:A] C[... Black will extend to 3. Approaching between White's niren-sei formation at the points A D is rarely played. <= ] ) (;B[db] LB[df:2] C[Variation. In response to White 2, Black could also play the sequence from Black 3 ... ] ;W[cc];B[ic] C[... to Black 5. <= ] )) (;W[hc] LB[jp:W][pj:B] C[Depending on the circumstances. If Black had a sanren-sei formation on the right (suppose Black B - White W), the sequence in the Correct Answer might not be to White's liking because Black would have built up a large moyo. In that case, she would pincer with 2, ... ] ;B[cc];W[dc];B[cd];W[de];B[db];W[eb];B[cb];W[ec] C[... making a thick position with the sequence to 10. ] ;B[cf] C[<= ] ) )