EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W D16 D4 SETUP B Q4 Q16 MARK 1@Q16 2@D16 4@D4 3@Q4 COM Problem 45. Black to play. Both Black and White have made niren-seis. If Black wants to make an approach move on the left, where should he play ? ENDCOM B 1 F17 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. Black 1 is the usual approach move. ENDCOM W 2 D14 COM If White answers with 2, ... ENDCOM VAR W 2 H17 MARK W@K4 B@Q10 COM Depending on the circumstances. If Black had a sanren-sei formation on the right (suppose Black B - White W), the sequence in the Correct Answer might not be to White's liking because Black would have built up a large moyo. In that case, she would pincer with 2, ... ENDCOM B 3 C17 W 4 D17 B 5 C16 W 6 D15 B 7 D18 W 8 E18 B 9 C18 W 10 E17 COM ... making a thick position with the sequence to 10. ENDCOM B 11 C14 COM <= ENDCOM ENDVAR B 3 K16 MARK A@C6 A@C14 COM ... Black will extend to 3. Approaching between White's niren-sei formation at the points A D is rarely played. <= ENDCOM VAR B 3 D18 MARK 2@D14 COM Variation. In response to White 2, Black could also play the sequence from Black 3 ... ENDCOM W 4 C17 B 5 J17 COM ... to Black 5. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR