(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[dd][jd][nc][dp][mo][po] AB[pd][pf][pk][jp][pq][qp] LB[mo:1] C[Problem 43. Black to play. White 1 is a good move because it is light and aims to make sabaki. Black, however, must not play passively. Instead, he must pursue White persistently. Where should he play ? ] (;B[op] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Before anything else, Black must play 1, ... ] ;W[nn];B[mq] C[... then take territory at the bottom with 3. ] ;W[nk] C[After White caps at 4, this skirmish will come to a pause, but Black still has attacking chances. <= ] ) (;B[qo] C[Failure for Black. If Black crawls at 1, ... ] ;W[mq] TR[jp] C[... White will jump into the bottom with 2, separating the marked stone from its allies on the right. This stone could come under attack later on. <= ] ) )