(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[dc][cf][gq][jq][qo][qj][oc] AB[cp][ep][op][pq][qh][pe][qd] LB[gq:1] C[Problem 41. Black to play. White makes a two-space extension with 1. What should Black do now ? ] ;B[ql] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Black should take this opportunity to invade White's thin position on the side with 1. ] (;W[oj] C[If White jumps to 2, ... ] ;B[pn] C[... Black will play 3, and the lone white stone on the lower right side is in trouble. <= ] ) (;W[oo] C[Variation. White could also attach with 2. ] ;B[no] C[Black will hane with 3, ... ] ;W[on];B[ol] LB[nq:B][np:A] C[... then jump to 5. The cut at A might look worrisome, but Black can secure his stones at the bottom by playing an atari at B. (See Problem 17 in Get Strong at Invading.) <= ] ) )