(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[dd][jd][nc][po][dp] AB[pd][pf][pk][pq][qp][jp] LB[np:A][qp:1] C[Problem 39. White to play. Instead of A, Black plays the diagonal move of 1. As we mentioned in Problem 11, this is not a good move because Black's stones become heavy. How should White respond ? ] (;W[mo] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. The two-space jump of White 1 is a light move. Whenever you play near your opponent's strong stones, playing lightly is an iron rule. <= ] ) (;W[op] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. The diagonal move of White 1 is also a strong move. ] ;B[oq] C[Against Black 2, ... ] ;W[mp] C[... White plays lightly with 3 ... ] ;B[nq];W[mm] C[... and 5. ] ;B[np] C[Note the tesuji of Black 6 ... ] ;W[no];B[lp] C[... and 8. In any case, White should not be unhappy, since she has forced Black to crawl along the third line. <= ] ) (;W[qo] C[Failure. White gets a heavy shape if she plays 1. ] ;B[np] C[After Black 2, her two stones will come under a severe attack. <= ] ) )