EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W D16 D4 F3 H3 K16 L17 O17 SETUP B K4 H5 Q4 Q10 Q16 Q14 M15 K14 COM Problem 38. White to play. Black mapped out a vast moyo. White has to prevent Black from solidifying it. Where should she play ? ENDCOM W 1 O4 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. White should play the high approach move with 1. ENDCOM VAR W 1 D10 COM Failure. White 1 is too passive. ENDCOM B 2 Q6 COM Black strengthens his position with 2 and, because of the presence of the four marked stones, White will find it hard to reduce the scale of Black's moyo. Therefore, White must invade the bottom right before Black has a chance to reinforce his moyo with 2. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR B 2 Q6 COM Black 2 is the natural response, but ... ENDCOM VAR B 2 M4 MARK @@Q6 A@O6 COM Variation. Black might pincer with 1. If White answers by jumping to A, Black will jump to @ and White's two stones will be in trouble, floundering in the middle of Black's moyo without a base. ENDCOM W 3 Q5 COM Therefore, White attaches with 3. ENDCOM B 4 R5 COM If Black 3, ... ENDCOM VAR B 4 R4 COM The ladder favours White. Black could respond to White's attachment by extending to 2 and White will not be able to make sabaki. ENDCOM W 5 P5 COM If White 5 here, ... ENDCOM VAR W 5 R5 COM Therefore, White plays 5 here and, ... ENDCOM B 6 P5 COM ... if Black 6, ... ENDCOM W 7 P4 COM ... White cuts with 7. Since the ladder is in White's favour, she can fight in this position. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR B 6 S6 COM ... Black 6 puts White on the spot. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR W 5 R4 COM ... White crosscuts with 4 to make sabaki. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR W 3 M4 COM ... now White 3 threatens to link up with its allies on the left, so ... ENDCOM B 4 J3 COM ... Black must play 4 ... ENDCOM W 5 H4 B 6 J4 COM ... and 6. ENDCOM W 7 M6 COM White can now come out into the center in good style with 7 ... ENDCOM B 8 K6 W 9 M8 COM ... and 9. <= ENDCOM